We are excited to announce that registration for the FACRL 2022 Annual Conference (virtual) is now OPEN! This year's conference will be focused on Information Ethics & Access. Information access is one of the cornerstone values of the library profession. How do libraries facilitate equitable and ethical access to different types of information? How can we as library staff help overcome internal and external barriers to information access? This year's program encourages librarians and library staff to explore, share, and discuss different aspects of information access and ethics.
This year's conference will include:
- an opening keynote address by Dr. John T. F. Burgess, Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama’s School of Library and Information Studies
- live presentations
- an interactive poster session
- and more!
FACRL 2022 Annual Conference Details
Conference Date: Friday, October 21st, 2022, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Location: Online via ZOOM - attend and participate from wherever you are!
Conference Website: https://facrl.wildapricot.org/Annual-Conference
Registration Information:
- FACRL Members: $0 (Free registration)
- Out-of-State OR Non-FACRL Members: $15 (conference only)
- Non-FACRL Members: $30 (includes a 1-year FACRL membership)
- Presenters: $0 (free registration with code - to be provided)