Are you already registered? Check your status here:
If you are not registered, or you need to update your registration, use this page: You will need your Florida driver's license or ID and the last four digits of your SSN.
In-person election day votingYou will need to check with your county's Supervisor of Elections to find your precinct: Make sure to verify your polling place hours, and arrive early, as there may be lines! If you are in line when the polling place closes, stay in line. You can still vote. | In-person early votingContact-your-SOE | Vote-by-MailUnder Florida law, all registered voters may vote by mail without an excuse. You can request a vote-by-mail ballot at your local Supervisor of Elections. Mail ballots must be received by the Supervisor of Elections by 7:00 pm on election day. |
The Campus Vote Project provides an excellent guide on voting in the 2022 elections in Florida: