Florida Association of College & Research Libraries logo


The Florida chapter of ACRL provides opportunities for professional development and networking, and promotes the exchange of ideas and information. FACRL can provide new ways to meet colleagues, build leadership skills, or contribute to the profession. The Chapter is open to librarians from all types of libraries, including state colleges and universities, as well as specialized research libraries.All members of the ACRL division of ALA who live in Florida are automatically members of FACRL.Not an ACRL member? Join us today with our new membership category! We hope to expand opportunities for more to participate in FACRL and to work with us to build a new future.

New Membership Category

FACRL has established a new membership category that will allow non ALA/ACRL members to join. The only requirement is to be working in, seeking work in, or retired from a Florida library (or related organization) with some affiliation to higher education. FACRL is open to students, staff, and librarians from all types of libraries, including state college and universities, private colleges and universities, and specialized research and other libraries. FACRL membership remains free to those with current ALA/ACRL memberships. Help us spread the word: New Membership Flyer.

  • Non-ACRL membership: $30 annually
  • Membership: 1 year from date of registration
  • Join online: Non-ACRL Membership

The Florida Association of College & Research Libraries (FACRL) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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