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FLA/FACRL Webinar Series on 3/11 - Introduction to Data Visualization Using Tableau Public

09 Mar 2021 3:42 PM | Anonymous

Please join us for the next webinar hosted by FLA and FACRL!

Register at: https://fla.memberclicks.net/fla-facrl-klein

March 11, 2021, Thursday, 11:00 am -  12:00 pm

Jesse Klein, Florida State University

TitleIntroduction to Date Visualization Using Tableau Public

Description: Tableau is a popular and marketable data visualization tool that faculty and students request training for regularly. In this hands-on workshop, attendees will learn introductory data visualization principles and how they are used to describe, analyze, and communicate data. Using Tableau Public, a free version of the tool, this workshop proceeds with a tour of the Tableau interface, connecting to an example data set, creating a few visualizations, and then pulling those visualizations together to make a dashboard. In closing, attendees will learn where to find resources for subsequent practice and learning. 

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