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FACRL News & Announcements

  • 01 May 2019 3:38 PM | Jaime Goldman

    We hope you can join your fellow FACRL colleagues on May 15th for the ACRL webinar "An Introduction to the Creative Commons."  Please see below for host libraries and for more information on how to attend!

    ACRL Webinar Details:

    An Introduction to the Creative Commons

    Wednesday, May 15, 2019, 2:00 pm- 3:30 PM

    Various locations across Florida (please see below)

    A.C.R.L. logo

    South Florida Location:

    Broward College, Central Campus, University/College Library

    Questions?  Please contact your host Suzette Spencer

    Central Florida Location:

    University of Central Florida, John C. Hitt Library

    Questions?  Please contact your host Sandy Avila

    North Florida Location:

    Florida State University

    • Strozier Library, R&D Commons
    • Exact location TBD
    Questions?  Please contact your host Michael Meth


    Stay tuned for more details about the June 12th ACRL Webinar!

    Controversial Topics & Difficult Dialogues -Strategies for Addressing Misinformation in the Library

    FACRL Hosts:

    • Eckerd College
    • University of North Florida
    • Broward College

  • 29 Mar 2019 2:47 PM | Jaime Goldman

    Register today to attend these FACRL sponsored activities at FLA!


    Dear FACRL Member,

    Please join FACRL for the following activities scheduled during the 2019 FLA Annual Conference:

    Early bird registration for the 2019 FLA Annual Conference closes on Monday, April 1st! 

    Register today for FLA 2019!

    We hope to see many of you in Orlando in May!

  • 28 Mar 2019 3:46 PM | Jaime Goldman

    FACRL Hurricane Michael Disaster Relief Fund

    On behalf of the Florida Chapter of the Association for College and Research Libraries (FACRL) we would personally like to thank you for your generous donations to the FACRL Hurricane Michael Relief Fund. FACRL was able to provide $500 for relief efforts to each of the following academic libraries affected by Hurricane Michael: 

    • Florida State University - Panama City
    • Gulf Coast State College
    • Chipola College

    We hope that this amount, though small, will be of some aid to the libraries and their staff affected by this storm as they continue to rebuild after last year's devastation. We have already received personal thank you letters from the recipients of our fundraising efforts, and were pleased to hear that our donations are helping those families in need during this long road to recovery.  

    Thank you for helping your colleagues during this difficult time!


    Rebecca Donlan

    President, FACRL

  • 26 Mar 2019 2:19 PM | Jaime Goldman

    2019 FACRL Board Election Results

    We would like thank all of the FACRL members who volunteered to share their time and talent to serve on the FACRL board by running in the 2019 elections.

    Please join us in congratulating the newest members of the FACRL Board!  

    Vice President/President-Elect: Alyssa Koclanes

    Communication Manager: Guy Cicinelli

    Board Member At Large: Jaime Goldman

    Board Member At Large: Rachel Cooke

    Board Member At Large: Mark Marino

    Board Member At Large: Kearin Reid (1-year)

    The new FACRL Board outlined below will begin their terms following the 2019 FLA Conference in May. 

    FACRL Board of Directors (2019-2020):

    • Craig Amos, President (2018-2021)
    • Alyssa Koclanes, President-elect (2019-2022)
    • Sandy Avila, Secretary (2018-2020)
    • Suzette Spencer, Treasurer (2017-2020)
    • Guy Cicinelli, Communications Manager (2019-2021)
    • Rebecca Donlan, Past-President (2017-2020)
    • Lisandra Carmichael, Member at Large (2018-2020)
    • Michael Meth, Member at Large (2018-2020)
    • Kearin Reid, Member at Large (2019-2020) 
    • Rachel Cooke, Member at Large (2019-2021)
    • Jaime Goldman, Member at Large (2019-2021)
    • Mark Marino, Member at Large (2019-2021)

    Thank you for your participation in the 2019 FACRL Board Elections and congratulations to our newest Board Members!

    The 2019 FACRL Nominating Committee:

    • Kim Copenhaver, Past-President

    • Rebecca Donlan, President

    • Craig Amos, President-Elect

  • 20 Nov 2018 11:57 AM | Jaime Goldman

    The 2018 FACRL Annual Conference, held on Friday, October 19th, 2018 in Fort Myers, Florida, was a great success!  The posters and presentations from this year's conference are now available online!  

    2018 Presentations & Posters

  • 25 Jun 2018 1:00 PM | Jaime Goldman

    Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to apply for one of the student scholarships to attend the 2018 FACRL Annual Conference, “Learner-Centered Librarianship.”  The conference will take place on Friday, October 19, 2018, at the Florida Gulf Coast University located in Fort Myers, Florida.

    Application deadline:  Friday, August 17.  Winners will be notified on or before Friday, August 31.

    Don't Delay! Apply Today!  https://goo.gl/forms/uUf4PiqeAfDSHb2A2

    Questions? Please contact Ava Brillat, FACRL Scholarship Chair at abrillat@miami.edu.

  • 25 Jun 2018 11:33 AM | Jaime Goldman

    The Florida Chapter of ACRL (FACRL) is seeking proposals for presentations and poster sessions for the 2018 FACRL Annual Conference exploring learner-centered librarianship in academic libraries through and beyond instruction programs. Learning involves both content and resources, as well as information processes such as information seeking with connection to all aspects of library work and service models. As academic libraries increasingly shift focus to learner-centered programming, collections, pedagogy and practices, an opportunity has arisen to rethink our roles in relation to the learning experience.  The 2018 FACRL conference will allow for reflection, planning, and development in this growing area. The annual conference will be held on Friday, October 19, at the Florida Gulf Coast University Cohen Center Ballroom in Fort Myers, FL.

    Presentations and posters of superior quality may be considered for future publication in The Reference Librarian, a major refereed journal published by Taylor and Francis. Consider reviewing the Instructions for Authors to learn about the expectations of content and writing for this peer-reviewed journal.

    Presentations and posters may address the following, but all proposals relevant to learner-centered librarianship will be considered:

    • Examples of library services and resources that foster learner-centered librarianship
    • Initiatives involving broader campus communities to inform and inspire principles of learner-centered practices and/or the application of the ACRL Framework
    • Case studies highlighting effective learner-centered teaching practices for information literacy instruction that facilitate learning by building on prior knowledge and applying information literacy skills in meaningful ways
    • Experiences with the integration of technology, information literacy, and ethical use of resources as well as library programs and services that encourage excellence for all learners
    • Implementations of Scholarships of Teaching and Learning (SotL) and/or High-Impact Educational Practices that are guided by learner-centered pedagogy
    • Other topics relevant to learning-centered librarianship in the field of teaching and learning, leadership and management, technology and access, library environment, as well as partnerships and community outreach.
    • Need additional information to supplement your proposal? Check out the resources provided by the ACRL’s Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Committee

    Submission details:

    Inquiries may be sent to the FACRL Program Selection Committee Chairs at lwharton@fsu.edu or cmoran@broward.edu.

  • 08 Jun 2018 3:11 PM | Jaime Goldman

    FACRL was very involved in this year's FLA Conference, held at the Caribe Royale in Orlando, Florida May 22nd - 25th, 2018.  

    Thank you to all of the FACRL members who helped to make the FLA 2018 Conference a great success!   

  • 06 Jul 2017 11:03 AM | Deleted user

    Are you looking for ways to expand your professional network and contribute to FACRL? Serving on an FACRL committee is a great way to become involved and make an impact on the profession. Committee volunteers help shape FACRL by advancing its strategic plan and influencing the direction of academic and research librarianship within the state of Florida. If you would like to become more engaged, I encourage you to volunteer to serve on an FACRL committee. Make a difference, expand your professional network and build leadership capacity; volunteer today

    Volunteers benefit by:

    • Building ties with academic and research librarians within the state of Florida,
    • enhancing their leadership abilities through consensus building and project management,
    • sharing their experience with colleagues, and
    • advancing the work of the association and the profession.

    Volunteers must:

    • be a member of FACRL for the duration of the appointment,
    • be willing and able to participate in the activities of the committee, support its mission or concern, and carry out assignments in a timely manner.

    How to apply:  FACRL members should visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FACRLCommitteeApplication and submit the volunteer application form by July 17, 2017. If you are not yet a member of FACRL, please visit http://facrl.org to learn more about our low cost-high value membership categories! 

    If you have any questions about using the volunteer form, please contact FACRL President, Kim Copenhaver at copenhka@eckerd.edu. Thank you for your interest in contributing to the success of FACRL and the academic libraries of Florida. We look forward to your future involvement with FACRL!

The Florida Association of College & Research Libraries (FACRL) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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